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Browsing Tag: hydration


We are all talking about the Coronavirus, Covid-19, and trying to do our very best to protect ourselves and family during this unprecedented time. With so much information floating around, theories and chaos out there what is the best thing for YOU to do? Store shelves are empty and people are panicking. Yes, it is scary to think about this disease but there are things you can do to remain in control of things around you.

While no one knows what the days ahead will bring us, I can share with you my perspective and what my family I are doing to stay healthy and safe.

  1. Stay CALM!
  2. Sanitize & Disinfect EVERYTHING!
  3. WASH your hands regularly!
  4. Keep your BUBBLE up around you!
  5. Stay HYDRATED!
  7. Get lots of REST!
  8. Enjoy your FAMILY time!
  9. Do not PANIC!


After visiting several of our local stores it appears people are truly freaking out! That does no one any good and blocks our logical thinking. I agree it is hard to stay calm when the store shelves are empty so regroup and find another way to get what you may really need. Only buy what you need, or will be sharing with someone, so others can do the same. Do not be a hoarder!


Disinfecting and sanitizing are at the top of my list. Right now it is impossible to find hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and any cleaner that has germ-killing properties. I do not like to use hand sanitizer on a regular basis, I feel washing my hands properly is better, but when going to a store or other public place, I use it! You can make your own sanitizing spray and hand sanitizer at home with things around the house. And, maybe a quick trip to the liquor store! Yes, you can use vodka to make your own sanitizer. Here are my favorite recipes for a household disinfectant and a hand sanitizer.


Hand washing is a must! Wash regularly and for at least 20 seconds scrubbing in between fingers and up the back of your hand to your wrists. Using an antibacterial soap is great but the length of time is crucial.


Keep your BUBBLE up around you! Sorry, no hugs, handshaking, high 5’s and other forms of affection to others. Try to keep at least a 6′ distance from others, especially when you are at work or out in other public places.


Stay HYDRATED! Staying hydrated is one of the things doctors and the CDC have said helps prevent the Coronavirus. Water is your best choice but other clear liquids and fruit juices would also be acceptable. Stay away from sodas and other sugary drinks as sugar has been known to reduce your immune system.


Eat HEALTHILY! Eat the best organic fruits and vegetables your budget will allow. When shopping look for the “every color of the rainbow” produce to be sure you are getting a variety of nutrients. Stay away from processed foods and sugars.


Get lots of REST and SLEEP! Allow your body to repair itself by getting extra rest when you can. It is one of the best ways to fight off diseases of any type. It is okay to take a nap because you will be more productive afterward.


Don’t PANIC! Keep a logical mind and do not be overwhelmed about all the information being thrown at you. Everyone has an opinion which you can listen politely to, but then make your own informed decisions based on your research. When we panic we tend to react irrationally which can actually cause additional bad consequences. Ask for input from someone you respect if you are having a hard time rationalizing this unprecedented time we are going through.

CORONA VIRUS UPDATE: With coronavirus on the rise, this post is particularly helpful from a pediatrician. She specifically addresses coronavirus. I have found this pediatrician’s site to be particularly helpful in protecting my whole family.

Water and Hydration for a Healthy Body


The easiest habit for me to add was getting more and better HYDRATION. This means DRINK MORE WATER! We’ve all heard we need to drink eight glasses of water a day but water always seemed boring. However, now that I have been drinking over 100 ounces of water a day my taste has changed. I like it and my body expects it. Yeah, running to the bathroom frequently can be a pain but that goes away quickly. And, the benefits of good hydration are well worth it!

NOTE: If you are on medications you should always talk with your doctor before making changes to your health routine.

The Importance of Drinking More Water

Over and over again we hear we need to drink more water…but why you ask? Well, water makes up 55%-60% of our weight. Water is used in our cells, organs, and tissues to help our body regulate its temperature and maintain bodily functions. Because we lose water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it needs to be replenished regularly to keep our body running efficiently. You need to replenish it with the right liquid.

There are so many benefits to hydrating our bodies as nearly every function in our body takes place in water. ..

  • Removes toxins & fat
  • Moves nutrients & oxygen to cells
  • Cleans kidneys
  • Cushions & lubricates joints
  • Helps convert food to energy
  • Weight loss & boosts metabolism
  • Brain function
  • Prevents dehydration
  • Healthy skin & anti-aging effects
  • Helps with regularity
  • Helps prevent certain medical condition (kidney stones, UTI, hypertension)
  • It can even improve your mood!

I could go on and on with this list. Let’s just say, our bodies rely on water to function properly. Drinking enough water enough day can be a challenge. I have some easy steps you can take to improve your daily dose of water!

Ways To Drink More Water

Best Ways To Get Your Water In

Now that you know why water and hydration are so important here are some easy ways to get it in every day. Start by drinking just one more glass a day than you already do.

Don’t wait until you get thirsty to get a drink because by then it’s too late. Your body is already experiencing the effects of dehydration. These can include being moody, sleepy, hungry, headachey, brain fog, and more.

Try out these easy ideas today…

  • Drink a glass when you get up in the morning
  • Have a glass before every meal
  • Set a timer to drink a glass every hour
  • Set out 8 bottles of water to drink every day
  • Add lemon, lime or cucumber slices
  • Get a pretty cup to drink from
  • Drink a glass after every bathroom break
  • Get a water tracking app for your phone

Now that you know how to get in all your water, here is what is best to drink. Clear liquids are the best which are included in the healthy hydration list below. Keep in mind that you should not be adding sugar, creamers or other things to them.

Coffee was once thought of as a diuretic but recent studies have shown it isn’t and has other health benefits.

Unhealthy hydration doesn’t necessarily mean its unhealthy to drink. Fruit juices and almond milk are good for you. But, because they are not clear, are not as easily absorbed into your body.

Alcohol, sodas (including diet), energy and sports drinks can dehydrate your body. And, because of the sugar effect on your insulin response, are not recommended.

Healthy Hydration

  • Purified water
  • Bottled water
  • Reverse osmosis water
  • Tea – preferably green
  • Coffee – plain, no sweeteners or cream
  • Calorie-free infused water
  • Sparkling water

Unhealthy Hydration

  • Fruit juice
  • Soda
  • Almond, coconut or soy milk
  • Diet soda
  • Energy drinks
  • Sports drinks
  • Alcohol

Remember to keep your hydration simple. Always carry a bottle of water with you and you’ll be ready for ANYTHING!!!

What are the Microhabits of Health

We all hear about living a “Healthy Lifestyle”, but what is that really? It seems like an overwhelming chore if you look at the big picture…exercise, eating right, sleep, removing stress from your life, mind, spirit, relationships and more.

But, if you break it down into smaller pieces, microhabits, you will see how easy it really is to achieve. Don’t panic, you don’t have to do everything at once…take small steps at your own pace. You are more likely to continue small, consistent changes instead of jumping in and trying to do everything at once.

Microhabits of Health

Each of these “microhabits” will help lead you down the path to a healthier, happier, more inspired person. Trust me, you will be able to do things you never thought you could and will feel amazing! I will be posting more in-depth information on each one that will hopefully, inspire you on your journey!

If you have any questions that you need to be answered please CONTACT ME!