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Industrial Curtain Rod

Do you love the industrial rustic look as much as I do?  It’s so trendy right now and lends itself to many different decorating styles.  I call my style “Farmhouse Industrial Chic” because I cannot choose just one!  This cheap and easy pipe curtain rod is truly so easy to make and does not cost a bunch of your hard-earned dollars!

I went to my local plumbing and big box stores and found the galvanized pipes to be too expensive so I ordered mine online.  They are not the same heavy-duty steel your plumber would use.  They are lighter and a whole lot cheaper which works for me!  And, no one can tell the difference!

This is my first finished project.  I used some PVC pipe that I had laying around from another project.  I sprayed the ends with hammered metal spray paint and you can’t even tell it’s PVC!

industrial pipe curtain rod

The image above happens to be centered.

Gather all your supplies and get ready to have some fun!  You may need a small hacksaw if you need to cut your PVC pipe.  I used a vice to secure the pipe when I cut it and it made it super easy.

If your curtain rod will be visible you will need to spray the entire length with your choice of color.  Spray light coats and let dry at least 15 minutes in between.

Assemble the entire rod and then held it up above my window to determine where it looks even.  Mark the holes on the left side and then removed the flange, 2″ spacer, and elbow on that side.

Attach the left flange to the wall.  Reattach the spacer and elbow to the flange.

Screw or insert the PVC pipe to the left side.

Slide your curtain onto the rod.

Have someone help you with this part. Use the level to make sure the rod is level and mark the flange holes on the right side.

Install screws and you are DONE!

industrial pipe curtain rod
Industrial Pipe Curtain Rod

That’s all there is to it!  You can make this industrial curtain rod to fit just about any window.  If you purchase the pipe fittings in bulk you will have plenty for more windows and they are very inexpensive this way.   Go get building!

Markup: Title With Special Characters

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Latin Character Tests

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Markup: Title With Markup

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  • The post title renders the word “with” in italics and the word “markup” in bold.
  • The post title markup should be removed from the browser window / tab.